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Position:Home>Dancing> What Are The Health Benefits Of Dancing?

Question:Specially interested in salsa dancing instructional videos.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Specially interested in salsa dancing instructional videos.

1. Salsa Dancing builds endurance and stamina, helps with weight loss, relieves stress, lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol level.

2. Ballroom Dancing conditions the body, keeps the heart in shape, increases stamina, develops the circulatory system, strengthens and tones legs and body, with increased flexibility and balance.

3. Belly Dancing improves posture and muscle toning, prevents lower back problems and tones arms and shoulders.

4. Flamenco Dancing tones muscles, helps mental development and alertness, increases memory power and strengthens bones and hips.

5. Jazz boosts correct posture and keeps the body agile. It also tones muscles in the body.

weight loss (aka intense cardio)
stronger more toned muscles
high energy
umm........ SUPER AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!

Dancing will keep you limber, help your heart rate, help your lungs, help your digestive system, help posture, muscles, coordination, help you feel better both physically and emotionally. Go, enjoy. :)