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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you like dance?

Question:Oh i am good in Hip Hop and Salsa......

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh i am good in Hip Hop and Salsa......

wow, i love dancing. my dance studio is like my second home, my dance teachers my aunts and uncles, and the dancers my sisters. when i feel like i need to express myself i dance. i dance 5 times a week and i take jazz tap ballet pointe hiphop lyrical/modern irish step dancing and ballroom dancing. its like another part of me i dont know what i would do without dance. its like art with your body and i dont know how else to describe it its just one of those things.

yes i dance hip hop and jazz

i like pretty much everything but hip hop

I used to dance, and would like it again,. you wanna dance? <wink>

Ah I love dancing :) I've been a dancer for 13 years. I do jazz, tap, and ballet.

oh yes i love dancing!! sometimes it depends on my moods like when i feel mad i start to crump or when i feel relax i try ballet and other times i do hiphop, reggaeton, salsa, cumbia, and whooa so many i can name.i love it because its something i can do to control myself when i dont feel right=] and takes away all the stress

I LOVE Dance.

Im a ballet,
hip hop,
and more dancer.
and about to open a dance


?J'adore dancing.?

I've been doing Chinese dance for eight years. I've also been doing tap and jazz for four years. I really love tap, but I don't really like jazz......I'm planning to drop it after the end of the year.

I do jazz and a little bit of hip-hop. Its good fun!!!

yes im a bboy , a locker and a jazz dancer. of course i love to dance lol. it makes me express my emotions by using nonverbal moves

oh i love dancing............... Dance means life to me. Basically it is my passion. You can express all your feelings whther is is happiness, anger or despair through dance. I have been into dance for 21 years. I cant live without it.

oh i love to dance! i started when i was only three years old and have been dancing ever since. currently i am taking jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, pointe, and lyrical.

Obsessed with dance would be more like it. I dance everyday of the week except friday and sunday. I take jazz, tap, lyrical, ballet, hip hop, and pointe. I do competition so it takes up a lot of time but I absolutely love it. My dance studio is like a second home. Everyone is really good friends and we have so much fun together. I also assistant teach some of the younger kids classes. I am graduating this year and I don't know what I am going to do next year. It is definately going to be hard!