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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know any good ways to strengthen your feet/arches?

Question:I have been taking technique classes for about 2 1/2 years now, and my greatest weakness is being flat-footed. I was wondering if anyone knew anything I could do to "strengthen" my arch and stretch my ankle.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been taking technique classes for about 2 1/2 years now, and my greatest weakness is being flat-footed. I was wondering if anyone knew anything I could do to "strengthen" my arch and stretch my ankle.

Get a Thera-band and put it around your foot. Point and flex. Do this everyday. I have flat feet and I've done it every day for two years and now my feet are strong enough that I'm en pointe.

Also, you need to do plies with forced arches. You probably know what these are already, but if you don't, you plie normally at first, then you lift your heels, as if you were going to do an eleve. Then straighten your knees and try to keep your ankles as far pushed over as they were when you were in plie.

Hope this helps. Also, no matter what age you are and whether or not you're planning to go on pointe, you cold go to a pre-pointe class at your studio. They have great foot (and also abs) exercises.

lean on a wall put just the front of your foot on a brick or something both feet really and lift.this will stretch your musule all the way to your back.the farther you lean the better but not to far.if you got good balance you can do this on a step

Stand on the balls of your feet on the edge of a stair. Let your weight sink back into your heels, hold for a few seconds then push your weight up onto your tippy toes, hold for a few seconds and repeat

If you'd like to correct your flat-footedness and are willing to set forth some effort by comitting to do various exercises, email me