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Question:who knows what the history of hip hop dance is
plz plz help coz its for my homework

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: who knows what the history of hip hop dance is
plz plz help coz its for my homework

i found it on wikipedia it has everything!

hope this helps you!

Read this...

Some drunk fell over and started doing stange movements on the floor. People surronded him and started cheering, but minutes later they found out that he was suffering from a heart attack. At this point, the bar cleared out faster than a bullet.

hope this help

Don't go to those website the people gave you. You have to looking in other sources. Hip Hop came from African Dance. You should take a African dance class to see the similar moves that are done in that class and compare it to Hip Hop. That's how it got it first start. That's how we have breaking dancing, Free styling, and pop-n-lock is all started from African Dance. Look in great detail than what other people tell. Look in books because anyone can make a website on anything and 90% of it not true. You have to be careful when using the Internet. Good luck!