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Position:Home>Dancing> What things should I put in my dance?

Question:It is modern/ballet/jazz. The music is from Sweeny Todd (Epihany) and I am making a dance for an audition. What are some things that are simple but still look pretty that I could do in a 3 minute dance? Here is the song:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is modern/ballet/jazz. The music is from Sweeny Todd (Epihany) and I am making a dance for an audition. What are some things that are simple but still look pretty that I could do in a 3 minute dance? Here is the song:

forgive my spelling... ive only danced... not taken vocab classes on the
-center leaps
-long leg extensions
-flexed foot to pointed (change it up)
-leg hold turn

mix in techniques for all 3... it will be beautiful.. good luck..

I think u should put in some leg hold turns, leaps / split leaps, reneves and just some pretty walks or arms when on pointe.

i'm half way through grade 4 in modern,

step, leap, step, vol-change goes well together
a few quick step, turn, step, turns go nicely, and they look good as well as being simple.
Not sure really what else, but make sure arms are always in a proper dance position, for eg. forth, second.
A bit of freestyle at the end would be good, you know, just throw in your own moves and just go over the top.

I'm thinking that quick contractions interspersed throughout moment phrases would be incredibly powerful (especially connecting the song to the dance).
Also, remember to add in level changes (low-high, medium to high, medium to low, high to low (sitting, lying, standing, reaching, etc...)) Level changes will make the dance interesting. Think about creating a phrase and then transposing it on a different level (ie, a standing phrase, and then transferring it to a lying position).

Best of luck! Also, how attached to your music are you? Keep in mind that setting a dance to a song with words and a specific message is a lot more difficult that setting a dance to a song without a meaning set for you. It is much easier to have choreographic freedom without limitations set on you by words. I absolutely LOVE Sweeny Todd, and that song is amazing, but keep your options open!! If you wanted an option, I would suggest something from the Donnie Darko soundtrack. They're instrumental and creepy in the same way that Sweeny sounds.
