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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it good exercise to dance?

Question:Ok, i know i might sound a little bit silly! but is it good exercise to just dance. like, well, i dance in my room while im listening to music. so for example, if i dance for an hour, would it help in any way? lol =P

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, i know i might sound a little bit silly! but is it good exercise to just dance. like, well, i dance in my room while im listening to music. so for example, if i dance for an hour, would it help in any way? lol =P

one of the best exersises you can get, particularly with your hips because it works out your abs

also, if you know the pop, lock and drop it dance, if you drop it really low it is an EXCELLENT thigh workout
in dancing you burn callories like crazy without realizing it

yes, it is like aerobics. However, there are better ways to burn calories and excercise in a room while listening to music alone....with a guy

Dance Together! What did you think I was gonna say?

yes it is, you can burn so much fat and everything plus it is great for your health

try belly dancing. That's always fun!!


Anything that keeps your heartrate above and beyond what you are used to and that you enjoy will be great exercise

any exercise is good for your body, when you dance you are moving your legs and arms so basically you are exercising. Yeah definetly I was watching the new long time ago and there where some kids who danced and lost weight just by dancing two or more hours a day.

Ya!!! The dancing like you are doing is good cardio, it raises your heart rate and burns calories. Dance can also improve flexibility, balance, and tone your muscles. This is more likely to occur in organized classes such as ballet, but might happen some when just dancing around for fun.

I agree with an answer below mine. Dancing helps a lot.

yeah like someone else said bellydancing is really fun

Definitely! It's not only fun for you, it's good.

You can work out to Richard Simmons' "Sweatin' to the Oldies," which is a lot of fun, or you can go dancing with a friend, which is even better -- but the more you sweat, the better your workout. Maybe you'd better not take your love interest out for a strenuous dance workout until you're sure about him.

yepz n itz iight cuz i alwayz dance in my room 2 n ii loose a lot of calories n stuff

yes it burns off a lot of fat and calories

yes!!aside that you will have fun,,

Dancing in your room is kinda good exercise but its best to do other stuff as well.. you're probably not dancing full out in your room..but its still good!