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Position:Home>Dancing> Need a idea for a 30 second dance for mascoting at school. Any ideas?

Question:Panther mascot, first year, basketball season. has to be original dance. And i know how to do Solja Boy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Panther mascot, first year, basketball season. has to be original dance. And i know how to do Solja Boy.

Try a hip-hop mix to a good popular song. Do the soulja boy, the coffee grinder, run and do a cool jump over a cheerleader or someone from the crowd, pop lock and drop it (but not too trashily), cupid shuffle... just find popular dances and string them together. I hope I helped. Good luck!

i think the coolest mascots do jumps and flips and stuff like that. i think soulja boy is a good idea, the cupid shuffle is popular too, but if you could make it your own that would be better. if you can make something up that is easy but still cool, then the crowd will do it with you. so maybe start with a big jump or something, and then get the crowd into it by doing something easy/repetitive or short, something that is with like clapping and stomping. good luck!

The Numa Numa song