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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet Pointe doesn't fit??

Question:I got a new ballet pointe and i used this rubber toe pad and it kind of squished my toes, if i don't use any it leaves a BIG gap between my foot and the shoe. Latex is worse. any suggestions??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I got a new ballet pointe and i used this rubber toe pad and it kind of squished my toes, if i don't use any it leaves a BIG gap between my foot and the shoe. Latex is worse. any suggestions??

you can try getting refitted for shoes maybe they are too big. not all stores have the best pointe shoe fitters.

a different toe pad you can try is Ouch Pouch or Ouch Pouch Jr. they have a thin layer of gell and make dancing on point comfortable. i used them when i danced.

I would suggest going to the shop where you buy your pointe shoes and try on different kinds with the toe pad to see which shoe fits the best.

try lambs wool toe pads or even just lambs wool (not in toe pad form). if that doesn't work, go back to the place that you bought your pointe shoes and exchange them for a pair that fits. next time make sure that you get fitted WITH THE TOE PAD ON! lol. good luck.

take your shoes back and get re-fitted. if you haven't worn them or sewn your ribbons on, this should be no problem.

if you can't return them, try lambswool. you can adjust the amount you use based on your particular needs at the moment.

good luck!