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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I dance and not be tesed?

Question:If you mean that you do Classical/Contemporary etc... and you don't want to be teased because you are a boy doing a "girlie" thing... then take the advise of a male dancer friend of mine... He used to say he danced because he was one bloke (we are Aussies) amoungst a group of girls.

For him it meant that he had more chance of getting girlfriends. Incidently that is why he joined... as it turned out he happened to be very talented too!

There is no hard a fast way to not be teased. I was teased because I danced when I was a girl. People do not understand it if you are different. The thing to remember is that School and High School do pass and when you go out into the real world you will find like minded people, who will not only NOT tease you but they will support you. If you can find just one friend in the here and now that can do that - then hang out with that person - doesn't matter if they are male or female.

Sometimes, we have to accept that we will be teased, because we are different. But that if we just laugh along (a Little) not take it too seriously and if it gets too much, make sure you talk to an adult about it.

Your Dance teacher might be able to put you in touch with the local Dance company - and you can talk to the male dancers about their experiences and how they coped.

My little brother gave up because he was teased too much and it was a great shame - because he really was very good. The world needs more male dancers - and good dedicated dancers - so don't give up unless you don't love it anymore.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you mean that you do Classical/Contemporary etc... and you don't want to be teased because you are a boy doing a "girlie" thing... then take the advise of a male dancer friend of mine... He used to say he danced because he was one bloke (we are Aussies) amoungst a group of girls.

For him it meant that he had more chance of getting girlfriends. Incidently that is why he joined... as it turned out he happened to be very talented too!

There is no hard a fast way to not be teased. I was teased because I danced when I was a girl. People do not understand it if you are different. The thing to remember is that School and High School do pass and when you go out into the real world you will find like minded people, who will not only NOT tease you but they will support you. If you can find just one friend in the here and now that can do that - then hang out with that person - doesn't matter if they are male or female.

Sometimes, we have to accept that we will be teased, because we are different. But that if we just laugh along (a Little) not take it too seriously and if it gets too much, make sure you talk to an adult about it.

Your Dance teacher might be able to put you in touch with the local Dance company - and you can talk to the male dancers about their experiences and how they coped.

My little brother gave up because he was teased too much and it was a great shame - because he really was very good. The world needs more male dancers - and good dedicated dancers - so don't give up unless you don't love it anymore.

first you learn to spell i.e. teased not tesed

Just laugh at yourself. Everyone will think you are dancing bad purposely and then you can just dance the night away.

Rent Hitch. Watch the scene where he teaches his client how to dance and he says "you live here." Do as shown in that scene.

The best way is to make sure that all who are watching you are too drunk to care... Or you could always take lessons.

Stay on the beat and be confident in yourself!

simple......learn to dance. good luck!

Learn how to dance if that is what is bothering you. Do you seem to get teased a lot > ?

Don't Dance

dance better

take some lessons, good for you that you are having fun. I wish I didnt worry how lame it looks when I dance ha ha ha ha ha

Take Lessons

Get dance lessons and dance better than the rest of us.

Go to the Ellen show where everyone dances!!

don't let what people say about how you dance stop you from having fun.........

There are really no rules... if you feel like dancing, then move that booty! If someone teases you, it's because they wish they had your confidence!!

Take a class, don't dance, or the best choice: Laugh it off like you don't care. Then you'll get better, and you can laugh at them!!!!

the ones teasing you are doing it because its easier to laugh at someone else than be laughed at. pay no attention and have fun.

Never throw your feet out farther than your elbows. Never hold your elbows out like a chicken. Step rhythmically from side to side in time to the music.

Practice in front of a mirror at home until you feel fluid and comfortable. You could also probably buy a DVD to teach you how.

just be cool- don't do any crazy moves. Go to a club and watch how people dance, then go home and mimic it in front of a mirror until you look alright doing the moves.

If you are still nervous go out to a club by yourslef where you don't know anyone and try out your moves... if others don't move away from you, you're probably doing alright :)

do it at home behind drawn curtains

why are you being teased for dancing? do you suck at dancing? if you do so what as long as you are having fun people will get over it. just watch soultrain or mtv

Easy learn a two step
a two step is a move that only takes about two steps and you can do it to every song anywhere. all you have to do is watch videos and pick the one thats right for you. fergie does it a lot.

dance from ur heart,practice it to the perfection & don't make any mistakes,then people will love it.they will only laugh @ u if u froget the moves,fall.but the plus point is u know what ur moves r but people don't & if i forget when i'm on stage i ust add in my new moves on spot & people will think i'm still get confident & get going
"practice makes man perfect"

1. Get really really drunk.
2. Try to move to the bass of the song, not the treble.
3. Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth - Mark Twain

dear friend . i would say just be yourself. and dance how ever you learned to dance.. if they don,t like how you dance . they don,t have to look at you. every body don.t dance the same way. every body has there own way of dancing. i hope this helps you. good luck.

It's true in some places that a guy dancer gets laughed at by other"macho men" (who think dancing is girly). Screw them, they are just jealous about your skill and the attentions you are getting. Just be confident and do the best you can. Other people can give you bad look or talk trash to you, but that doesn't change what you are and what you like to do.

dude what dancing?? do the sprinkler!!!!!!!

lol but honestly be funny about it and let everyone know that if they want u to dance to be prepared to be embarrased, bust a move and then they'll just see u dance. No biggie my ex does it all the time.

dance studios LOVE guy dancers u will get so many lead roles, dont tell anyone if u think u will be teased but i say yes 100% go into dance!!!

dont let people tell you you cant dance because your a boy...
if its boys teasing you then they are just very jealous and if its girls teasing you then they will all love you someday because guy dancers always end up very sexy...
maybe thats why the boys are so jealous and if they arent now they will be when you have all of thier girls

Can you explain a little further? Are you talking ballet or school dances?

Either way just ignore those who tease.