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Position:Home>Dancing> What is possible for a 17yr old ballet beginner??

Question:im 17 and love ballet as i think it's such a beautiful dance, i have dancing background but not of ballet, im flexible and learn very quickly. ive wanted to start ballet for a long time but never had the guts to, what are my possibilities??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im 17 and love ballet as i think it's such a beautiful dance, i have dancing background but not of ballet, im flexible and learn very quickly. ive wanted to start ballet for a long time but never had the guts to, what are my possibilities??

hi, i think if you want it bad you can go for it :) dont let no one tell you any different!!! im 17 and i did ballet for 4 and a half years i quit when i was 13 the stage i was at was intermediate pointe and grade 3/4 and an additional private ballet tuition, i also did tap and modern it been four years and i really want to do it again i just want some peoples views on what they think, youll do well if your confident enough and willing to take on all the hard work............go for it girl

Ask at your local dance schools. They'll tell you. I know someone whose just started tap and she's 25 so there will be a class out there for you.

Some dance schools run classes for adults - you'll just have to ask around and see if there is one in your area who does this. Even if there isn't a class, you may find a teacher who would be willing to give you individual tuition (granted this will be more expensive).

Here's the town list of Danceweb:

I'm sure you will find something! If you learn ballet your other dance disciplines will improve dramatically too.

You'll do great. Go for it!!!