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Position:Home>Dancing> My cousin dances really bad..?

Question:my cousin is a year older and she dances realllly bad ....and i've tried telling her this but...she gets all offended and tells my other cousin....and then my other cousin gets mad at me.......the problem is that whenever my cousin dances at others parties she makes a fool out of herself........of course she doesn't think that she dances bad but everybody laughs at her.....and its really embarrassing ..what should i do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my cousin is a year older and she dances realllly bad ....and i've tried telling her this but...she gets all offended and tells my other cousin....and then my other cousin gets mad at me.......the problem is that whenever my cousin dances at others parties she makes a fool out of herself........of course she doesn't think that she dances bad but everybody laughs at her.....and its really embarrassing ..what should i do?

this may be really cruel but record her dancing and play it back to her so she can see what you're seeing.
i am all for honesty, especially since there are a lot of people out there thinking they can dance, sing, whatever, getting themselves on tv and humiliating themselves. it is not fair to the person.
friends and family should be caring and encouraging but they also should be honest and tell their loved ones the truth.

laugh @ her

Oh...who f*cking cares?!

You tried and that's all you can do. Just forget about it...let her have her fun......

try teaching her how to dance.actually, trick her by asking to do a dance competition, u and her ONLY.Ask her if she can do your moves and if she says yes, make sure she does it exactly right.Before you know it she'll have the dances in her head and start dancing them!

Point out your cousins to me. You can distract them and I'll sneak up and give them a hot foot by lighting matches between their toes. Then you can watch them BOTH dance! Heehee!

who cares apparently she must not care either! Don't worry about it! It's her deal.

Encourage your cousin to take a dance class with you. That way, she will improve. In addition, you will improve as well and it will be some nice bonding time between the 2 of you. The best thing to do at this point is to be supportive. If you make her feel bad, she may never want to dance again. Dancing is an expression and when she is dancing, she is really happy. If she's still that awful and people laugh, just let it be. She's probably got a bit smile on her face. Kudos to her for being confident enough to enjoy life without caring what others think.

Under no circumstances should you make her feel bad about it.

This can cause psychological trauma and other things you don't want her to go through. Not the least of which would be reduced self-esteem.

Compliment her on her passion for dancing and suggest that you both take a few classes together.

If your cousin truly dances like no one is watching, more people should be like her!

Please don't be negative about it. Realize that she loves to dance and that you will only make it worse if you put her down. I remember every bad remark I ever received. "You dance like you are being electrocuted" at the age of 10, for example. These remarks scar a person's memory forever.

She has the passion, but she could use help with her technique. Most people have neither. She is very fortunate.