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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you dance in the rain?

Question:today i was walking and my friend and i were dancing in the rain just having fun and these people looked at us like we were crazy haha

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: today i was walking and my friend and i were dancing in the rain just having fun and these people looked at us like we were crazy haha

They Are Just Jealous Because They Want To Do It But Cant. They Care Too Much What People Will Think. Yes I Dance In Rain If Its Friday Because My Uniform About To Get Washed Anyways.

I've been known to dance in sprinklers on stranger's lawns in the middle of summer! Rain is awesome!

I once was caught in a pretty bad storm with my friend and it was raining pretty hard.Someone pulled over and asked us if we needed a ride home cuz we were under a tornado watch.

i would do it if i had a girlfriend.

plenty of times, fun times lol

Yeppers!!! Its awesome! =)
Actually i did just few mins ago..heh heh!Its raining!

i would. i mean who cares if they thinks it crazy. life is short and have fun while you can. next thing you know you will be too old to go out side and do anything because your too old. so live your life to the fullest

p.s. imma try that one day. while it's raining im going to run outside and start dancing lol^^


haha chyeahh all the time =]]

lol my user name is dancingxinxthexrainx103 so yes, yes i do.

Yes! Sometimes when my friends and I get together, we spend time outdoors. When it rains while we are out, we just get up and dance around in the rain!

Yes, I enjoy

i love dancing in the rain... those peope who were looking at you weird probably have no souls or are too embarrassed to admit that they wanted to join you. sucks for them. =P

Always! One of my favorite activities! Dancing in the snow is also fun, you should try it!