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Position:Home>Dancing> You only get ugly toes practicing Pointe? Is that true?

Question:I've been practising Pointé for 7 or 8 years now, and as long as you take care of your feet, you will be ok.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been practising Pointé for 7 or 8 years now, and as long as you take care of your feet, you will be ok.

You can, and it's true that many dancer's feet are not the prettiest, but they don't always get horrible. Mine aren't too bad and I've been doing pointe for 3 yrs. The thing to remember is to keep your toenails trimmed and to scrub them with a nail brush to keep the cuticles soft and the nails clean. Also, you don't want to remove calluses because they prevent blisters. If you can stand not always having pedicure perfect feet, pointe is def worth it.

Yeh take care of your feet and they'll be fine.
I dip mine in surgical spirit to harden the skin on the side of my big toes the night before classes. Then at weekends i use an intensive moisturizer so they don't get too dry and not to ugly.
good luck with your pointe work!

yes and no.
ugly toes are not ONLY caused by pointework. they can be caused by genetics, injury, other athletic activites, other forms of dance/gymnastics/ice skating/cheer, etc.
you can lessen the risk of permenent damage to your feet by ensuring you have proper training before (and during) pointe, by having each pair of your shoes always fitted by a professional (even after you have been en pointe for awhile, as feet change) and by using appropriate padding. bunheads makes awesome products for pointe that can really lessen the impact of pointe on your feet. its amazing what a little gel can do to help your feet!
good luck!

My toes are pretty ugly, but they were that way waaaay before pointe! : )

you could probably get ugly feet and toes from a number of things. like dancing on cement floors can give you hammer toes (where your toes curl under your feet) whether you're wearing pointe shoes or not. but from my experiece pointe shoes do tend to make your feet not so attractive. a lot of girls get bunnions, calluses, etc. i like my feet, even though pointe has changed them. i wear my calluses, blisters and discolored toe nails with pride.