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Position:Home>Dancing> I practice ballet 4 days a week, it is ok if i do Gymnastics 1 day per week, wil

Question:I also practice Pilates.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I also practice Pilates.

it would take a long time for you to see results. Its like asking if you did salsa 4 days a week but do tango 1 day a week. You'd need to even them out so you can still practice on your ballet but also learning gymnastics and progress in it. This is the case with any new (dance) class you decided to take. However you'll see more results if you're determined and if you practice as much as you can without over-exerting your body. Good nutrition, sleep and stretching exercises will help. Best of luck

hi Hun

since the age of 3 i was doing gymnastics, then at 5 started ballet, i carried on with both, dividing my time between the two equally and at times i was training/dancing for over 6 hours a day/5 days a week.....
i carried on with both until 18 when i broke my wrist in a badly landed twist, that put me out of gymnastics so i upped the tempo with dance.....
mixing both never affected either (en pointe achieved at 12) and in fact I'd say that i have excellent balance because of the two.
i still dance ballet but my new love from 18 is street/hip hop which i now teach.
good luck Hun, keep up the dream x x x