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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you care having Horrible toes when practicing ballet?

Question:its worth it. there are now things that help bad toes....gel products, the miracle that is yoga toes, pointe shoes created so not to destroy your feet.

professional shoe fittings are your best friend if you want to help your toes not get destroyed.

happy dancing =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its worth it. there are now things that help bad toes....gel products, the miracle that is yoga toes, pointe shoes created so not to destroy your feet.

professional shoe fittings are your best friend if you want to help your toes not get destroyed.

happy dancing =)

It's not so bad. You get used to it.

nope. just as long as i'm good at dancing. i mostly wear gym shoes out side so ppl cant c my toes.

not really. it's the sacrifice you make to do pointe.

no i don't mined but when i practice point different story lol

Not really. Your friends will kinda gross out about them though, that is the hard part about having stinky or ugly looking feet.

it doesn't matter if you are a good dancer.

Not at all! I'm actually kind of proud of my tough feet- they represent what I've gone through to become a better dancer over the years.