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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I convince my mum to let me buy a pair of tap shoes she hates?

Question:I stopped tap lessons ages ago, and have grown out of my shoes. I want to buy the more sneaker styles ones ( ) but she's old fashioned and says that they're not appropiate.

I want to go to more auditions, so I need some tap shoes, but she says if I'm going to buy them I should at least have proper ones, even though I want the cool ones.

How do I convince her?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I stopped tap lessons ages ago, and have grown out of my shoes. I want to buy the more sneaker styles ones ( ) but she's old fashioned and says that they're not appropiate.

I want to go to more auditions, so I need some tap shoes, but she says if I'm going to buy them I should at least have proper ones, even though I want the cool ones.

How do I convince her?

save your money and buy them yourself.
talk to other people who have them and find out the benefits of them.

personally, and from the perspective of my store, people don't care for the sneaker style taps long term. they break down fast and don't fit your feet so well. you may want to consider the bloch audeo jazz tap, or the capezio k360 if you want a good tap shoe.

clean the house

beg ur mum to get them for u for ur brithday

Buy it secretly and don't wear it when ur moms around.

Do nice things for her, and she would let you eventually.

See if she'll buy both. That way the both of you are happy. Good Luck!

Make a deal with your mom - Get the 'old' style that your mom wants you to get, if you are still with tap in 6 months then get the sneaker style that you want.

Tell her it will make you happy

well...don't just choose the COOL ones. even though i know where your coming from.:)
choose ones that are nice but appropritate like your mom says. im sure you can find some..

Show her a new "song and dance" routine . . . She might feel like you do about the old course . . . "Break a Leg!" . . . "Shaboom!" . . .

ask your dad to. convince him to go look in the store then tell him to buy them for you

do something good to your mom. like clean the house of clean her car or something.

tell her you won't tap unless you get the ones you want...

then again, if tap is your passion, you'll do whatever it takes.

thats so dumb!! why doesnt she just force you to wear a plaid dress then! you can wear what you want! buy them and dont tell her!

Tell her u need them and that ull do anything she wants u to do.

get a job and buy them with ur own moola!

She Isn't Very Nice If She isn't Going To Hear Your Side Of It. Convince Her By Stating Your Pro's. NEVER THE CONS She Will Use This Against You.

Hope This Is The Best Answer.

Yea i went through the same thing with my parents they didnt like the name brand stuff...the thing is they are looking at the price, they want something that will last just as long and cost way less. Comfort comes with price tho, what I would do is take the money she will give you for the shoes she wants you to have and work and save for the rest and go buy the kind I wanted. Its your feet not hers. If you want to tap dance you have to make sure your feet are comfortable

Just tell her how much you love tap dancing and that in order to tap dance you need tap shoes. She'll understand probably. And if she doesn't ask her why you can't have them. Why she thinks they're not appropriate. Tell her that the ones you want are the proper ones. Good luck!

I think u should tell ur mom how u feel + y u want those shoes and ask her if she ever wanted something real bad but was held back. It makes my mom feel guilty and she buys whtever it is tht i want. Well at least most of the time:)

You're gonna have to earn the money on your own if she doesn't want to pay for the sneaker style. It's that or get a new hobby.

buy the ones your mom wants first then buy the cool ones later , cool tap shoes beats doing drugs, good luck

Just keep bugging her about it!

all of the above are really good! But convincing is just presseure! You need reasons why! What youll do! And how you can help pay!(i gave my mom 30 dollars and she let me get a coach bag ) i know this ive tried soo many times!!

STEAL HER MONEY LOL.............................. JKING

if its really important to her... discuss that with her. let her know that you're the one that needs to dance in them and feel comfortable.
on the other hand.. are these worth fighting for?? sometimes... the old fashioned ones may look more professional and better for auditions...

well, i usually tell my mom "why can't u be supportive enough with my talent? i know what's good for me and what's not when dancing is involved, and i dont think you do. please trust me on this one. this is a requirement, its necessary for me. plus, it adds confidence." lol. yeah, id do that. :) or explain to her that you can borrow the 'proper' ones from somebody anyway but not the cool ones.


but why would you wanna buy tap shoes anyways ?

ew muchh ?