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Question:How come when i close my eyes i fall?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How come when i close my eyes i fall?

because closing your eyes makes you lose your focus and your center. When you balance with your eyes open, you probably don't move your eyes all around the room, you focus on one object. When you close your eyes, you can't focus on that object anymore (obviously) so you lose your center and thus, your balance


maybe having ur eyes focused on something helps you keep ur balance

because when you close your eyes, you dont pay atention to your center. that is why it is good practice to slowly close your eyes and feel your body ballancing. that is the point of yoga.

It's called a righting reflex. I don't remember the specific term for it at the moment, but your sight helps you keep balanced. Without it, your body won't be as steady. (Of course there are exceptions to this i.e blindness) There are 3 other righting reflexes. One is the labyrinth righting reflex and it's located in your inner ear. Say your ear drum would burst, then your head would tilt to the side and it would be hard to hold it up. Basically, it's just hard to balance with closed eyes. Hope this is helpful!

With practise it is overcomable... my dance teacher used to make us do our balances with the barre, then without and then with the barre but eyes closed and then without the barre with eyes closed...

This included moving while balancing ie one the ball of one foot whilst moving the other - slowly but moving none the less.

With time you can train yourself to do this position without your sight.

I found that when I internalised the feeling with my eyes open an kept working on that feeling while closed my eyes.

Best Wishes...