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Position:Home>Dancing> What is this dance move called?

At 29 seconds the yellow mascot dog looks like he hovers forward on his tiptoes doing like some moon walk thing, is this a dance move? whats it called? i wana learn it? i need to know what its called so i can look on you tube.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At 29 seconds the yellow mascot dog looks like he hovers forward on his tiptoes doing like some moon walk thing, is this a dance move? whats it called? i wana learn it? i need to know what its called so i can look on you tube.

it looks like some sort of Glide...i know it aint a C-walk for sure
Take a pop & lock class so they can teach u everythang. Peace

He pops up on his toes with his knees bent and smoothly slides his feet forward, keeping his ankles locked. Good luck finding the name, some dance steps are nameless!