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Position:Home>Dancing> Help me decide between these two songs for a lyrical solo!?

Question:I am a dance instructor doing a lyrical solo in our studio's annual recital. I love both of these songs but can't decide which to use. Please leave me your opinions. Thanks!! Oh and just to let you know I am 26 and at an advanced level.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a dance instructor doing a lyrical solo in our studio's annual recital. I love both of these songs but can't decide which to use. Please leave me your opinions. Thanks!! Oh and just to let you know I am 26 and at an advanced level.

Do What You Have to Do.
Excellent song. I have considered doing that for my recital as well, but I ended up using "Bravedancing" by Rachel Sage.

I like the second one, although they are both sort of slow. You may want to expand your options to maybe some Missy Higgins or even some Evanescence [although thats usually better for Modern]

Second one. It has a better beat and you can do more with it , although the first is really pretty though in my opinion the second one would give you more options.

I like the second one better. Not only for the sound, but I think it allows for a little more creativity too. The other one comes off as a bit cliche. I'm all for anything a little unorthodox. G'luck! :D

I think the Eva Cassidy one is prettier and so you should do that one but i don't know much about dancing.

I am a dancer to and i think the second song, do what you have to do, is a great choice for a lyrical dance. it tells more of a story which is very important for dancing, and it will be much easier to make a dance to.

Do What You Have To Do by Sarah McLaughlin. I think would fit you perfectly. I hope that I helped you out a little.