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Question:I was wondering whether anyone has any tips for me, I am joining a ballet class which is quite ahead of me in the syllabus, although I am not strictly a beginner, I am worried I will look an idiot. Any advice please?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was wondering whether anyone has any tips for me, I am joining a ballet class which is quite ahead of me in the syllabus, although I am not strictly a beginner, I am worried I will look an idiot. Any advice please?

That is exactly how i felt when i first started to take more advanced classes with the best dancers in the whole school in the class!! I felt soooooooooo self consious but what i did was my best and just kept saying to myself that i will progress in a more advanced class and the worst situation is that i will get a lot of corrections, which will help me improve and will soon be just as good as the best dancers. I also had fallen on my butt a couple times in class and all the people in there including the teacher just kept asking me if i was okay. I just sat on the floor laughing at myself and thought, i wasn't going to make that mistake again, but i did. We, dancers can only learn from our mistakes and that is one major mistake. Don't give up, because taking advanced classes really helps a dancer to progress. I started taking advanced classes two years ago and now i am one of the most advanced dancers in the school and am glad that i did the hard classes even though i made a lot of mistakes!!

Don't worry, do your best and that is all that matters. Who cares what other people think, right?

Good Luck

In my ballet class everyone is really friendly..I'm sure yours will be the same

if you're not a begginer, and it's just some steps you don't know, you'll catch up very quickly. i was in the situation this summer when i got moved up 3 levels. i looked like an idiot for a little bit, but since i had to do the difficult steps alot, i learned them very quickly.

you could also ask a teacher to give you private lessons to help you catch up.

you can check out this site for info on lots of steps

my best advice is to do the steps you know really good. just cause there is a hard step coming after an easy one, doesn't mean you can't do the easy one good. 70% of the steps in the combination are easy steps or transitions. even though you don't know some of the hard steps, you'll be 70% perfect!

Practice more

My advice is not to be hard on yourself and don't be afraid to look stupid. We all look stupid at some point, especially when we're learning and trying to do something for the first time. Be patient with yourself. Remember ballet takes repetition and after a few trys you'll start to get it better.
Hope you have fun!