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Question:I am going to a dance class and I am required to know:
jete, grand jete, side jete , switch leap, tour jete, fouette, hitch kick , ring leap, sissone, stag jump, developpe, single pirouett, double pirouette, triple pirouette, pique turns, chaine turn, fouette, and fouette en tournant. I don't know what these are and a website or a vivid description would be helpful! THNX!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am going to a dance class and I am required to know:
jete, grand jete, side jete , switch leap, tour jete, fouette, hitch kick , ring leap, sissone, stag jump, developpe, single pirouett, double pirouette, triple pirouette, pique turns, chaine turn, fouette, and fouette en tournant. I don't know what these are and a website or a vivid description would be helpful! THNX!

For visuals, I'd look on youtube, but just real quick, as follows:

1. Jete is a barre warm-up, meaning "to throw" the feet are usually in 1st or 5th, and go in any direction, usually en crois. its a stretch through tendu where the foot ends up 3 inches from the floor. also called degage, depending where you dance. it can also refer to a small jump, like a baby grand jete.

2. grand jete-"big throw"- is a split leap withat does not go through develope

3. Switch leap is also a split leap, where the starting leg comes up like a normal jump, but then you scissor your legs in the air and complete the full split with the other leg.

4.tour jete- turn throw- is a jump where you usually chasse first, kick one leg, rotate at the waist, switching legs, ending on the other foot.

5. fopuette- to whip- can be a jump or a turn. the jjump is the same as a tour jete, but you dont switch feet. the turn is an outside turn, where you alternate between rleve and plies, leg a la seconde through passe. its like a pump turn, but the leg is carried through rond de jambe.

6. hitch kick is just a kick where you switch feet always facing the same direction. legs can g o either frobnt fo back.

7. ring leap is a split leap, usually with no develope, but sometimes, where the back leg is bent toward the head, and you arch back to meet it. also called a split half devil

8. sissone is a relatively stationary jump, looks like you would saute in arabesuq position.

9. stag jump is very similar to grand jete, but the front leg stays bent throughout.

10. develope usually refers to a barre warm up, but its also a step in many jumps and lfits. means to develop, the leg starts in coup de pied, draws up to pass at the knee, and then extends from the hip.

11. pirouettes are stationary turns, usually from 2nd or 4th, double, triple, etc refers to the number fo roations. can be done in numerous positions.

12. Pique turns are traveling turns. pique means to prick, the toes literally prick off the floor into passe

13. Chainne turns are continuous travelling turns on two feet

14. this was covered under fouette, its just the two kinds- jump or turn

Most of these are types of leaps and turns, some of them are pretty advanced (triple pirouettes, fouettes, switch leaps), so I would suggest that you take private lessons to learn the basics before you enroll in this class to keep you from getting behind. has a lot of great examples. :)