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Position:Home>Dancing> Nobody to dance with?

Question:i want ot take take dance at a studio near my house, but non eof my friends will take it with me.
the only way my gramma will pay for it is if i know someone there. becasue she doesnt want me to not like it.
anyway to convince friends?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want ot take take dance at a studio near my house, but non eof my friends will take it with me.
the only way my gramma will pay for it is if i know someone there. becasue she doesnt want me to not like it.
anyway to convince friends?

If none of your friends are interested in taking the class with you. You could try telling your grandma that you will pay her back if you don't stick with the class. That might show her that you're really interested in it.

I had the same problem (I wish I knew you!) I finally found a friend to take it with, if I would take a course on fixing your car. I was miserable with the car course, and she was miserable with the dance class. Finally, she dropped dance and i dropped cars. I met a man who needed a partner, and he stayed my dance partner for the next 3 or so years until we both stopped dancing. There was nothing romantic about it. He was too old for me, and during that time I met my husband-to-be, but he was a very reliable dance partner and that was what I wanted.

What I'm trying to say is that even if you convince your friends to join, they might drop it if they don't like it. I hope your gramma will let you take the lessons without your friends, and I hope you will enjoy the class. I still don't know how to dance well, but I learned the basic steps and I really did love the lessons. (If I could talk my husband into it, I'd take them again.)