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Position:Home>Dancing> Help with my pointe,?

Question:I JUST started pointe in ballet and I am starting to do like arabesq ( i have no idea how to spel this!) and going onto pointe on 1 leg I can do it on my left leg but not on my left! HELP PLEAS

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I JUST started pointe in ballet and I am starting to do like arabesq ( i have no idea how to spel this!) and going onto pointe on 1 leg I can do it on my left leg but not on my left! HELP PLEAS

When i started points five years ago, i had that problem too. You could try bending and working with your pointe shoes to break them in easier so your feet can pointe better. You could also use a box cutter, with help from a teacher or parent, and cut the shank of the shoe so the arch will be easier to dance and the pointe is nicer.

You could try a stretch that i do, sit on the floor with both legs in front of you, like you were to touch your toes. Pointe your toes with your legs still out and get a fellow dancer or even one of your family members to sit down with you and push your pointed foot toward the ground, just remember not to sickle your feet!!

good luck

Just keep practicing until your left leg gets stronger.

Go up until you can't hold it anymore, or use a barre and use it for support while doing one and keep doing it until you can do it on your own.

[It's spelled 'arabesque']

Anyway, I just started too and find that, when you're in the privacy of your own home and nobody's looking, if you put on your pointe shoes and use a dresser or something as a barre and work on it alone it really helps.

Good Luck!

everyone has a stronger side, just focus on strengthneing the other side to 'even out'