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Position:Home>Dancing> Do we really need a so whe can see Brittney take to the hospital? Re

Question:Realy, why sillies wanna become celebrities, them are dropped quicklier than a butt of a cigar.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Realy, why sillies wanna become celebrities, them are dropped quicklier than a butt of a cigar.

it's all worth it ... just see it through and the plan will be come clear ... just thinking of it brings a smile to my face

I feel bad for Britney she just needs to get away from all of those no life shutterbugs, and get herself together for her 2 kids....I wish her the best but im sick of turning on my tv and hearing about how bad of a trainwreck she is or her showing her vagina all over the web...lets all hope for a no britney day soon!!!