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Position:Home>Dancing> Learning to dance? How should I start?

Question:well you should really find out what kind of music you like. if you like hip hop and fast music go jazz or tap. if you like slow music i would say ballet but if you like really fast beat music do clogging its so much fun.ballet does help with your flexibilty in every kind of dancing but its very hard! i hope you have fun. if you have a problems or more questions dont hesitate to email me at

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well you should really find out what kind of music you like. if you like hip hop and fast music go jazz or tap. if you like slow music i would say ballet but if you like really fast beat music do clogging its so much fun.ballet does help with your flexibilty in every kind of dancing but its very hard! i hope you have fun. if you have a problems or more questions dont hesitate to email me at

You should find out what style of dance you want to do. Then you should get the proper clothing for your dance class. Before you dance you should ALWAYS stretch. good luck!

ha ha! Trying to be like Michael Jackson?

with our MJ's Thriller =)

maybe try a few basic beginners classes.
try a few different styles till you find one that you think suites you best .

hope that helps
