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Position:Home>Dancing> If you tke dance lessons, are you considered a dancer?

Question:I take ballroom dance but I don't really think of myself as a dancer. Should i consider myself as such?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I take ballroom dance but I don't really think of myself as a dancer. Should i consider myself as such?

In a manner of speaking and only in certain contexts. I hope you'd agree that if you were filling out a form that included "Occupation," you would not write in "Dancer." Likewise, if you were being introduced to strangers and they asked "What do you do?" you wouldn't answer, "I'm a dancer." However, my daughter, who is a senior BFA dance major and who has devoted her life to dancing could rightfully say she's a dancer in both contexts, even though she's still technically a student.

On the other hand, if you showed up at an audition for a musical and the director called out to the group, "Who here is a dancer?" you could raise your hand and say, "I'm a dancer." And if s/he were looking for musicians, you could also answer, "I'm a clarinet player." In that context, you'd be distinguishing yourself from others who can't dance or play an instrument.

well if you do other things which u dont then u can really say your a dancer but if u do 1 thing your sorta not but sorta yes

Yes, you would be considered a dancer. :)

Anyone who dances can be considered a dancer. Each dancer is identified by either by their level of skills such as beginner, intermediate, and professional dancers. Although some may look like they're having seizures, but remember dancing is an expression, anyone wishes to express themselves may dance.

Yes, people who dance are considered dancers. You don't have to be professional to be considered a dancer. You may not be an amazing dancer or a terrible one, you might just be your average dancer, but you're still a dancer!

Taking lessons makes you a dance student. To be considered a true dancer, you have to have skill, talent, and motivation. Dancing is a state of mind that has to be committed to completely.