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Position:Home>Dancing> Im 17 and what if i took ballet classes?

Question:if i take ballet class will that allow me to be reallly flexible even though im 17...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if i take ballet class will that allow me to be reallly flexible even though im 17...

A lot of girls that are your age start ballet in fact people start at almost any age!
It really doesn't matter, unless you want to become a professional ballerina then you need at least eleven years of serious training. But as a hobby why not?
It'd be a lot of fun, and good exercise.
But even though you're begining now I still reccomend going to a actaully good ballet school not a school with a ($45) a month tuition range. Check if they give you a handbook, with all of the information in it neatly organzied. I mean you want to learn from a good teacher and studio, you don't want to have cheap or bad training witch could seriously damage your body.
Some of the things that most people look for in a studio are:
1. Is it famous? Do a lot of people know about it? There's problaly a reason why they have alot of people.
2. The levels have to go up by leotard color. I suggest taking a class with younger kids, because you'll get promoted faster, and everything you learn will be more professional. Adult classes are more recreational they don't really focus on the art.
3. How many studios are there? Is the atomosphere clean, friendly? Are the studios spacious, light and airy?
4. Do they have sprung floors? ( This is a special floor that most dance studios have, it prevents leg injuries when you jump and etc.)
5. And most of all do they have a pianist? Playing live in the studio at all times? Most professional places have this. Listening from a cassette is not very convient, or comfortable. :)

well, you will get a little more flexible but not much. i'm not saying 17 is too late to start, but you won't be as good.

If you were in the ballet class long enough, your body would eventually get flexible. There are other things besides ballet you can do; such as, yoga, pilates, random stretches, etc.

If your main concern is flexibility, you might find yoga helpful as well. Stretching is the most important factor in flexibility. Since ballet and yoga incorporate a lot of stretching, you might find that your flexibility increases after practicing either of these. Or simply utilizing proper stretching techniques daily might do the trick.

Yeah it should. JOIN BALLET

Have you had any experiences in dance before?
Even if you haven't, if you are dedicated to ballet (or any style you wish to try) you should become more flexible.Strongly advise Yoga or pilates or even "Yogacise" (a new addition) and you can get classes on DVDs so you can practice away till your hearts content. Just remeber and Stretch every morning and night and ALWAYS cool down afterwards, or all your hard work will have went to waste because of the muscle pain the next day!

Good luck (:

Good Luck x