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Position:Home>Dancing> Looking for a song for my daughter to dance to for her grandmother?

Question:My daughter is 11 years old and loves her Grandmother very much so. Her Grandmother is alive and well, but my daughter would like to dance a solo for her grandmother.. The only songs i'm finding are songs about Grandmother who have passed. Any help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My daughter is 11 years old and loves her Grandmother very much so. Her Grandmother is alive and well, but my daughter would like to dance a solo for her grandmother.. The only songs i'm finding are songs about Grandmother who have passed. Any help?

I wouldn't try to find a song that talks about your live grandmother. I would use her grandmother's favourite song. That is what I did for my grandmother, and she LOVED it! Take my advice and go with her fav song.
The secound that song would come on your grandma will have to watch and see her fav grandaughter , and her fav song together.
Guarentee she will cry!

that one from little miss sunshine... can't quite remember the name...

Does grandmother have a favorite song from her era when she was young? If so, get the recording and have your daughter choregraph her own dance for her grandmother

You could try to get her favorite song. Also I think the song tattoo would be very appropriate for a song and also I know the band five for fighting songs are amazing. My favorites of them are Superman and 100 years. Also the song A Thousand Miles by: Vanessa Carlton. Also you could try: How Many Words? by: blake Lewis. Hope it helps and good luck to your daughter and her dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try "Nickelodeon" It's older. Part of the lyrics are:

Put another nickel in
In the nickelodeon
(something I don't know)
And music, music, music dear come closer

Those are the only parts I remember. My sister did a tap dance to it about 25 years ago and it sounded old to us then.

Just look for a song that has no bad words.