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Position:Home>Dancing> Pirouette en pointe?

Question:I've been doing ballet since i was 7 and got onto pointe this year after having to leave for a bit. I'm starting Pirouettes en pointe and to be honest, im a big chicken.! i can do quite a few pirouettes on flats but i just cant seem to pull up enough and always fall resulting in a few bumps and bruises.! Any advice.?

Thanks x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been doing ballet since i was 7 and got onto pointe this year after having to leave for a bit. I'm starting Pirouettes en pointe and to be honest, im a big chicken.! i can do quite a few pirouettes on flats but i just cant seem to pull up enough and always fall resulting in a few bumps and bruises.! Any advice.?

Thanks x

Wow, I was the same way when I started pointe 5 years ago. I was way to afraid when my teacher said we were doing pirouettes on pointe, just give yourself time to get the idea in your head. You can start off with just trying to practice how long you can balance passe on pointe, that will help with your form when you start pirouettes. You could also practice doing quarter turns on carpet at home, then half turns. Just one step at a time. Also have faith in yourself, you have gotten so far, don't stop now.

Also, think the worst thing that could happen is you fall on your butt, get a big bruise and laugh like crazy when your classmates are asking "are you okay?" That happened to me when I started and now I am working on doing double pirouettes on pointe!

Good Luck!

First, just make sure that you can hold in passe releve before attempting it. Then, when you think you can hold in passe releve attempt it. That is the main key: holding in passe releve and spotting!!

Have you tried holding onto the barre? Even half turns, this should build up your confidence.

Hope this helps :)

hard lol
pirouettes on point are much harder in ways and much easyer you don't have to put so much force into it

Start out really slow. Just start out marking the turn. (act like you are going to do the turn, but just don't turn.) After a while it will get easier. Don't try and do a full turn, aim for a half turn. Afrer a while you'll get used to the movement, and you won't be so intimeated anymore. It's taken me two years of pointe to finally get it, but I no longer feel that way. Usually I can get a double or a triple in there! Good Luck Dancing!

My teacher always says don't start your pirouette thinking u will fall, go up with the intention of staying up and just pull up, hold your center,turn out your leg, and spot!