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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance party?

Question:What type of themes could you have for a dance, for example a masked ball where everyone goes with a mask. Do you any of you have some other theme ideas?

Please help if you know one.

Please explain the themes if possible, like different deorations etc.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What type of themes could you have for a dance, for example a masked ball where everyone goes with a mask. Do you any of you have some other theme ideas?

Please help if you know one.

Please explain the themes if possible, like different deorations etc.



very elegant

80s party, music-anything 80s rock, costumes can include the big hair anything neon and spandex, or even the bad 80s prom dresses.

One of your friends can come as a ballerina and someone else can come as tap and so on and so forth.

An original 80s or 60s dance! Just make a banner of Prom of 1800 or Prom 1969 have hippie things and play some funky music from the 80s or 60s. Where tie die shirts peace earrings and necklaces etc.

Have a Cowgirl/Cowgirl 1 play country music and dress up like cowgirls/cowboys.

Have a Hawaii dance dress up in hula girl outfits etc. Have a hula hooping contest!

The last thing I can think of is a Night and Shinning Armer one. Where theres princess girls, and night guys. Play old folk music.

Hope everything works out good! Luv ur ideas!

A few years ago, my brother had a 70's (Disco) Dance Party. He rented an electric, spinning disco ball for the ceiling in this open area in his house, and put in a special wood dance floor, like parquet. We had all gone out to vintage stores and bought clothes from that era, one guy even had the shoes with the "goldfish" in them and the requisite gold chains! The important thing was the music, and he had lots of disco tunes and a great stereo. Since we had all lived through the 70's, we began to dance the Bump, the Hustle and other dance steps. We didn't use masks, though.... Good luck!