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Question:I've found two pretty costumes for a dance I'm doing, and I don't know which one to pick.

This is my song:

Here's the two choices:



If you have any other suggestions, please tell me.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've found two pretty costumes for a dance I'm doing, and I don't know which one to pick.

This is my song:

Here's the two choices:



If you have any other suggestions, please tell me.


Hmm that's a toughy, but I think I like the first cotton candy ones better, but the second ones would go with the song better. But maybe if you got the green one of the cotton candy ones it would look fine too. Good luck! : )

Go with the second one IF you have dark hair otherwise it will look wierd, but that is my pick. If you have light hair go with the first one in green

I like the reddish - Desert Rose. It works better for that song because the color is deeper and more substantial. The pastel colors are pretty, but they remind me more of an upbeat, happy lyrical. Fallen by Sarah McLaughlan is a song about someone that has fallen to a low point - it shows a lot of turmoil. I definitely think the reddish costume is a winner. I also really like the jagged cut of the dress at the bottom. Great song pic, by the way.

your choices seem too bright for your song, but between the two I like the cotton candy. Maybe a if it came in a more muted or subtle color. I think that would be perfect.
I do like the cut alot.

between the two go with the second one. Your song is a little more on the darker side of the soul and the first choice is way too bright and happy.

I really like the second one. And this one

Very fitting i think

I love the second one

the first ones deff. don't go with the song. The Second works way better. A color like deep red or black would work too

First one in green would suit that song