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Position:Home>Dancing> Axel Turns?

Question:So I think I can do an axel turn but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Can someone find me a video of an axel turn or explain to me how to do it? I would really appreciate it!! BTW I can't ask my dance teacher because we're out for winter break right now.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So I think I can do an axel turn but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Can someone find me a video of an axel turn or explain to me how to do it? I would really appreciate it!! BTW I can't ask my dance teacher because we're out for winter break right now.

Ok, for some reason I can't do an axel to save my life, but I know just how they work. It is easiest to practice first at the bar without the chaine and without turning, then in center floor without turning, then the whole thing
~Start with a chaine turn. It should be in plie. Remember: this is your preparation, so get low!
~(For a Right Axel) brush the right leg up to the front. Ideally 90 degrees, but it can be lower when beginning (your left leg should be in plie because you are about to jump and turn; your body should be facing front or right diagonal).
~Carry the right leg to the side (this is when you will begin turning). You should also at the same time jump in the air and whip the right leg to passe
~While in the air and jumping your left leg should bend and be tucked up. Try to kick your rear.
~Land your turn facing fowards

Good luck. With practice they will come naturally. Happy 2008!

The way Dancinin' just described the axle turn is correct. Just remember to use your head.

You will never get around in a turn if you don't spot and get your head around first. Your body ALWAYS follows your eyes so spotting is essential.

And also remember to use your opposing arm for force. If you are turning to the right, keep your left arm taught and strong and move it sharply across your body while spotting.

Its' all a lot to remember, but its all about rehearsal. you'll get there!