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Position:Home>Dancing> Takin my first Lindy Hop lesson this weekend....what type of shoes do I wear?

Question:I know I won't be doing anything extravagant, but I'm still wondering what are the most comfortable type of shoes? Can I just wear my regular running shoes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know I won't be doing anything extravagant, but I'm still wondering what are the most comfortable type of shoes? Can I just wear my regular running shoes?

clean sneakers would be perfect. dont wear shoes you are uncomfortable in, but make sure their in decent condition so you don't screw up the floor.

You can wear your running shoes, but any flat soled shoe is advisable.

Also make sure you dont get too much traction. Its super hard to get a smooth comfortable movement with any style of dance if you have too much traction. Try slide the shoes across a smooth tile floor like your kitchen or bathroom. If your shoes wont slide at all, they arent the right ones. :) (bowling shoes work great if you have those!!)

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