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Position:Home>Dancing> What excately is a drill team???

Question:What is a drill team what do they do what is its difference from a dance team?? Plz help I need to know!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is a drill team what do they do what is its difference from a dance team?? Plz help I need to know!!!!!!!!

A dance team is usually just a squad that dances...mainly jazz or lyrical routines. A drill team also does jazz or lyrical routines but also sometimes uses poms and does sharp movements. Drill teams also sometimes twirl flags with marching bands.

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there is not a big dif from the drill team and a dance team a drill team just makes up rotenes then does them in front of a croud

at my high school, the drill team did a lot of dancing without music. they would do a lot of clapping and stomping in rhythm, and the dance team did more like, cutsie stuff to music (but they sucked, a dance team should do real dances!). so to me, a drill team is more hip-hopish, with or with out music, and a dance team is always to music and does more technique. but like i said this was at my school and it could be very different at other schools... hope i helped!