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Position:Home>Dancing> How to have Elegance and Grace and Movement? Please answer, performers with a vo

Question:Main Question is--How can someone has elegance, grace and do complete movments, so they dont look sloppy?

Like in old movies 'Swing Time' and Marilyn Monroe's movements in 'lets make love' when she is singing 'My heart.....'

Please dont put anything like, 'your born with it'

PLEASE GIVE TECHNIQUES, practical excersises ANYTHING. Also to improve posture....

Much Appriciated! :)


10pts to detail, explanations and good practical ideas!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Main Question is--How can someone has elegance, grace and do complete movments, so they dont look sloppy?

Like in old movies 'Swing Time' and Marilyn Monroe's movements in 'lets make love' when she is singing 'My heart.....'

Please dont put anything like, 'your born with it'

PLEASE GIVE TECHNIQUES, practical excersises ANYTHING. Also to improve posture....

Much Appriciated! :)


10pts to detail, explanations and good practical ideas!


One of the most common techniques and arguably this single most important part of graceful movement is to move from your centre. This is a concept which makes little sense to most people until they have actually experienced it - so here's an excersise to help you see what it means: Stand upright with your head held upright so you get a nice horizontal eyeline; then drop your knees just a little and (making sure no one is looking until you get it right ;) ) allow your bum to stick out just a little - make sure that your shoulders, your knees and the balls of your feet are all in alignment. You should be able to feel a tension in the muscles of your abdomen. Now try moving in different directions and feel how you can originate all your directional movement from your abdomen - your centre.

Try studying people who move with elegance and grace - they all have this in common: Their body is always centered over their feet and movement is fluid because it comes from the centre.

Any excersises which improve core stability should be excellent for what you wish to acheive - eg: Tai Chi, Pilates, Tap dancing or especially Ballet.

But most of all - be proud to be who you are, remain confident and positive and these qualities will immediately be reflected in your movement and your posture!

You have to practice the dance & just nail it. Go through step by step & think of what you can do to make it the best. Good exercises are to practicing giliding, it sounds weird but it works. Get the feel of "graceful" but just walking or turning.
Key things to add are - finish all your lines with power
- don't be sharp, just be relaxed & powerful

Elegance and grace come from posture, walk and how you present yourself. Movement comes from training and the best is ballet.
To achieve elegance you must hold yourself with respect. Dress in a manner that reflects this as well.
To begin, it was practiced many years ago and is still the first step today. Walk across a room with a book on your head. Each step should be deliberate placed one in front of the other, toe (like a point) then heel. Observe how you walk usually, more than likely feet directly in front of your hips rather than in front of you. Then navigate around furniture and then try holding a conversation (phone works well).
If you can get along to even a few basic ballet classes you will understand quickly that dance is constantly movement, flow and an expression of emotions.
To give you a quick look at characters who can show you the difference visually, watch 'dirty dancing', baby transforms (even tho she is danced trained), the transforming of the character is obvious. Also take a look at "My fair lady" again you can see detailed transformations.
Practice makes perfect. Try imitating prim and proper of the 1800's and you will begin to transform.
Use a chair as a ballet bar and stand as if a string runs through your whole body pulling you into an upright position. (head high, bottom tucked in, dressing room scene of dirty dancing good e.g). Then try to use one arm at a time like a wing of a bird to float up above your head and down again.
Even better try to stand straight and move arms and legs in any direction with the book on your head. This exercise will help you to understand flow and balance but most of all centre. Elegance and grace do not have any sharp components, flow is important and being erect without being stiff.
Maybe finishing schools should come back and old time dance instruction in schools!