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Position:Home>Dancing> Men! do you feel comfortable watching fit men dancing around in their underwear?

Question:whilst the Mrs watches too and her eyes are transfixed as they gyrate and make suggestive willy thrusting movements and rubbing themselves with the occasional buttock and air clenching moves?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: whilst the Mrs watches too and her eyes are transfixed as they gyrate and make suggestive willy thrusting movements and rubbing themselves with the occasional buttock and air clenching moves?

It makes me uncomfortable to watch anyone dance, male or female. I just don't get lap dancing clubs either. I'd be curled up with embarrassment.

Speaking honestly if it makes my other half happy then yes,
I'm comfortable enough in who I am not to have a problem with it.

Thank you :)
Good question.

Can't say that's ever happened to me...


Would it be okay if I take that time to go out with my dude friends who are wearing their underwear on the "inside" of their pants?

I'll be back in a few hours when the bachelorette party is over...

If you don't mind...

a bit uncomfortable and a bit insecure as though i'm cut i'm never will be as cut as a stripper, but i see it as hell, i'm going home with her and shes going to be so horny that i can't wait to get home more than anything

Jeez, sounds like some new year's eve party you were at. Actually it sounds a little more like wishful thinking my friend.

Daydreaming again with your fingers resting on the keyboard, I see.

Transfixed you are, I see.

Moley . . . Moley . . . Moley don't feel comfortable...especially not that last part...I'm gonna go now...bye.

This doesn't sound like this has anything to do with dancing.

You've made me all chuckly.
What a cute femole you are.

What am I sitting on?

i would feel uncomfortable because they are in their freakin underwear. it would make me feel gay or something watching men dance in their underwear, i wouldnt watch it alone or with friends cause its just weird. i wouldnt even be interested in it.

I think it would make me uncomfortable Moley, but then I am a little modest at times.