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Position:Home>Dancing> Do can you learn a back bend quick?

Question:acro bats

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: acro bats

Sure, you can learn a back bend quick, but it depends upon your flexibility level and your willingness to stretch.

Never attempt to do a back bend 'cold' (without stretching) or you risk injury.

I learned how to do a back bend in a matter of a few days, by ensuring that I was properly stretched (back, legs, arms, wrist, neck). After I was properly warmed up (after stretching for a good 30 minutes), I followed the technique that many others have. I walked down a wall....

Stand up straight with arms above your head. Bend slightly at the waist, so that your hands make contact with the wall behind you, then slowly walk your hands down to the floor. Only move as far down as you can support. If you feel pain or strain, walk yourself back up.

Continue to stretch and practice this technique everyday until you can comfortably walk yourself down to the floor without issues.

Back bends are not difficult, but can easily lead to injury if you do not properly stretch out and have the proper muscular development to support the movement.

If you have a 'spotter' to support you in your endeavors, that is even better! This will afford you the confidence to concentrate on the physical movement and not so much on the fear of falling on your head. I had a spotter to monitor and support my movement, and this did indeed help me to confidently move down to the back bend.

Good Luck!

it didnt take me more than an hour to learn how... so idts

The way i learned it was by using a wall. Stand away from it and bend backwards pressing your hand against the wall lowering yourself. It takes you in baby steps, but it's the fastest way I've learned. :-)

You may need to stretch out your muscles, it is never good to force your body into doing things that it is not used to in anyway. Just practice and get those muscles stretched to the point of comfort. And with in no time you will be able to achieve the goal.

Practice, fall a lot...

Its doesn't take that long to learn a back bend. if you push up off the ground in to the back bend it is easier. but if you go into a back bend from standing up, it is a little harder and takes more confidence in yourself but it usually looks neater. either way though you need to be really stretched out or you will pull something. :)

-first you need to stretch your wrists, legs

theres 2 ways you can learn.

1.have someone spot you. first let them hold your back while going down. Then each time you go down have them lower there hand closer to the floor.

2. when i didnt have someone spot me i practice againist my bed(its soft if u fall) i would put my feet on the solid ground then start fallin backwards, while going back, arch your back and put your hands on the edge of the bed then crawl your way down the floor..

i hope this helped!!