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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I get more flexible?

Question:Look I do ballet and I ways streght but I not sure if I am doing the right ones... I need a split down and my legs to go higher... can some give me so warm ups that would work really good or a website... desprite!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Look I do ballet and I ways streght but I not sure if I am doing the right ones... I need a split down and my legs to go higher... can some give me so warm ups that would work really good or a website... desprite!!!!!!

I donno about going as extreme as yoga, which is a very good idea, but a more simple way would be to make sure you stretch every day. The more you do it the more flexible you will be. Even trying stuff your body may not can do yet, of course easing into what ever new stretch it may be. I'm kinda naturally flexible but nothing works better for me then just getting in the floor and seeing what I can do. As for specifically making your legs go higher I always do heel stretches. Putting a leg on a bar and pleaing works to. Also doing kicks to the front and to the side will help your legs go higher

Take up Yoga if you don't already. Not a particular branded technique of Yoga like Astanga or Bikram, or the kind of Yoga that's marketed as something analogous to aerobics in a gym or something, but proper, Hatha Yoga by a proper Yoga tutor.

yoga nad stretching exercises are going to help you. keep trying to do the move you're learning every day... go as far as you can and then try again the next day.. good luck with your ballet..!