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Position:Home>Dancing> What dance steps can I do to the song 1234 by Feist?

Question:Just write out the names of the dance moves, I'll understand. Please think about your answer, don't just spew out random steps. Thank you so much!!!

PS, I can't do fouettes so don't suggest them
PPS, the dance will end at 2:04 of the song.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just write out the names of the dance moves, I'll understand. Please think about your answer, don't just spew out random steps. Thank you so much!!!

PS, I can't do fouettes so don't suggest them
PPS, the dance will end at 2:04 of the song.


When she sings 1, 2, 3, 4 you should do an arabesque but as she says each number you go higher. So for 1, your foot is just on the ground and then it goes higher...And then hold for 'tell me that you love me more' and then slowly go down for 'sleepless long nights' then step through and split for 'stars so bright'.

And at the start maybe doing ballet runs from the corner going through first out to second?

Are you good at really high developpes? Like these:

You should do one for when she does 1,2,3,4,5,6, 9, 10.

Also, I think you should finish at 2:30 because there is a huge build up and then you finish with a pose.

Just a thought :)

Good luck! Hope this helps :)