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Position:Home>Dancing> Hey guys! What do you think of this song for a dance?

Question:Its called "Dont Panic" by Coldplay

heres the youtube link:

What do you think? Please answer!

Thanks anyways, Sarah :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its called "Dont Panic" by Coldplay

heres the youtube link:

What do you think? Please answer!

Thanks anyways, Sarah :)

Yeah u can dance to that but it would be contemporary. You'd really have to focus on your emotions in this song since that's what the song is transmitting. I picture slow, flowy moves. Rapid at times, specially if you can do ballet. Developpes would look good on this.

You can dance to that?

its is cool good song

what do you mean 'dance'?
if you mean a coreographed dance then it would work well for a contemporary peice.
if you mean like a disco or something, not so much.

I like the song and I think that interpretive dance would be pretty cool with it.

I quite like Coldplay, although their music is quite depressing - a bit like me in a way.
I wouldn't call it dance music though......
More music to listen to and appreciate.
Personally I'd be worried if someone wanted me to twist and shake to suicidal music, and rather worried about my own sanity too.