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Position:Home>Dancing> Im sixteen and i want to start ballet again. am i too old? do you know any good

Question:i took ballet when i was like three. then i stoped.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i took ballet when i was like three. then i stoped.

Of course not! Professional ballerinas arent three years old! And if you really love it; go ahead and do what makes your heart happy! This way you won't regret it! Maybe a little extra practice but soon you will be jumping right in there!
Good Luck!

if you really enjoy dancing and want to dance, then age shouldn't be stopping you.

Trust me, do not be afraid to start something you truly love. Many people do not find what they want to do until they are well into their life. In ancient times, many men who performed ballet would start at 14! You may be behind, but if you wait now, you will be even older befor you start and will have less time to devote to your practice.

It's never too late to start dancing. You may be a little less experienced than the other girls your age, though. If you really want to do this, you'll have to really devote a lot of time and effort... ballet is hard, you have to commit to it. Just look into classes offered at local dance studios.

You are never too old you could be 100 and still do it.
Just check out your local telphone book, flip over to Dance and you'll find a bunch of places. :)

no way. I just started taking ballet class again at the age of 17(I also took it when I was young). I would advise signing up for an adult ballet class (in most local adult classes, it's all levels welcome and you can go at your own pace). Or if you want to improve faster and have the money, you could ask for private ballet lessons at a local studio.

Will Yahoo choose one of these questions as a 'Best of Answers' so that people will stop asking it already?!?!?!

But no, you're never too old to start ballet. There are people who take the adult class at my studio who started at 30.

I am sixteen too! TRUST me there are alot of people are age just starting ballet again. (and now there amazing)
You should see all of the people who are doing broadway now and they started practicing when they were like 20

you're never too old to do what you want to. it's better to start late than to never do it at all because you thought you were to old or whatever the reason, because you'll regret it later in life when it really does become too late. and really 16 isn't that old when you consider how long people live for. some people never start dancing until their 20s or 30s. and don't listen to people that say you'll never be any good at it even though you started later than them, just use it as motivation to prove them wrong =)