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Position:Home>Dancing> What are square dance like?

Question:My dad keeps trying to convice me to go to a square dance but I'm a little hesitant. First of all are they fun? Second of all are there ever any teenagers at them- or even college age students? I understand that square dance probably differ from dance to dance so you don't need to add that in your explanation. Please don't answer this question if you are only willing to say derogatory comments. Also, I would appreciate if you didn't add any "hick" comments. Basicly, don't say anything mean, unless that is how you honestly feel and have been to many square dances. Hehe, now that we've got that all cleared, all (helpful) comments are greatly appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My dad keeps trying to convice me to go to a square dance but I'm a little hesitant. First of all are they fun? Second of all are there ever any teenagers at them- or even college age students? I understand that square dance probably differ from dance to dance so you don't need to add that in your explanation. Please don't answer this question if you are only willing to say derogatory comments. Also, I would appreciate if you didn't add any "hick" comments. Basicly, don't say anything mean, unless that is how you honestly feel and have been to many square dances. Hehe, now that we've got that all cleared, all (helpful) comments are greatly appreciated, thanks!

Well, we had to learn how to square dance for a carnival at school once, and I thought it was going to be torture,but actually, it was loads of fun! I got to know some people better, and it was overall a great experience. :) If you think it could be embarrassing, you could ask some of your friends to come with you. Everybody thinks square dancing is (as you well put it:) "hick" but they obviously haven't given it a try without prejudice.

Yes go, there is nothing like new things to try all you have to do is enjoy yourself and if you like it do it again or if you don't then try something else but at least you will know. I have never been in a plane before but I learned how to jump out of one in the army. All I am trying to say is like your self and don't worry about what other people think.

Its fun. When you have friends with you. I can't imagine what it would be like with my dad or people i dont know. LOL They made everyone do it for PE credits along with the Virginia Reel.