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Position:Home>Dancing> Any pointers? I am dancing for a church next Sunday?

Question:In a Jack Sparrow costume to Pirates of the Caribbean music. Any pointers? Like including the deacon or something of the sort? Contests? Anything can help. I lost a bet with the priest and deacon, long story.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In a Jack Sparrow costume to Pirates of the Caribbean music. Any pointers? Like including the deacon or something of the sort? Contests? Anything can help. I lost a bet with the priest and deacon, long story.

What about recognisable members of the church to dress at pirates and to come in one by one throughout the song to suprise the audience and to stand in the background as a backdrop, including the deacon and other high members as the main characters from the movie to make a guest appearance towards the end. Everyone loves dressing up.

what> ur dancing in church with a Jack Sparrow costume? they let u do that? wow... good luck dont do the whole drunk act... church is a holy place and u need to show respect....

i didn't know catholics allowed that!?