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Position:Home>Dancing> How do start breakdancing?

Question:Im 14 and I really want to breakdance. Nothing fancy or anyhting. I need to know what muscles i should exercise and everyhting. Plus i need to know some basic moves i can do that dont require a ton of strentght

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im 14 and I really want to breakdance. Nothing fancy or anyhting. I need to know what muscles i should exercise and everyhting. Plus i need to know some basic moves i can do that dont require a ton of strentght

i no how to do the basic moves...and i learned from you tube! i went on you tube and looked up how to break dance...after looking a while i found that even though everyone has differant techniques, they all are about the same...the 5 step, helicoper, popping, ect. And for the muscles..just set your comp. up in an open space (or move your funiture) and just start learning the moves, it might take a while for you to get them down.......but you soon learn what muscles you need to work cause they get sore right away..(mainly your abs and ARMS thought the most) if you have a dance studio near you, u could ask if the hip hop teacher knows break dancing, if he does you could set up a privite leason or 2 if ur serious about it...good luck! =]

Call a gym. They will tell you.

You need to watch Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

go to the gym

you need alot of muscles in your upper body,like your arms mostly and your abs.

play gym and sports and after go to music stores

you should work on your arm strength and then yours abs you usually break dance during like a rapping song the really fast part, or at least thats when i would do it. but i really sont no how sry, look on youtube

Join a break dancing club.

push ups and crunches, bar chin things

Go to the library and get some free tapes or cd's to watch, or go to a video store and buy a few dance tapes, they are usually about .50 cents or $1.00. They already have the music, you just have to practice the moves. Try to watch yourself in the mirror, full length if possible.

just join the dance classes or just watch music videos of hritik