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Position:Home>Dancing> Pilates or Gymnastics for strength and flexibility?

Question:Which is best?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which is best?

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Gymnastics!It streaches you till your a frikkin laffy taffy
and strength is in everything you do!

why not both?

I would think Pilates would be the better way to go! Also, depending on your age, gymnastics may not be a good choice. A lot of gymnasts get broken bones, if you get a break across your epiphiseal line/plate that bone will not grow any more.
So, I would be more compelled to go with Pilates.

i think pilates is best unless you are already involved in gymnastics.
if you do gymnastics it will start out more basic, and while it will strengthen you over time...pilates may go faster.
but doing both would be great too.
the pilates will help you get strong and work the right muscles for you to be a good gymnast.

If you dance, do Pilates. It won't bulk you up like gymnastics will. If you don't dance, then gymnastics is more of a hobby that Pilates is, so it's good if you want to do regular classes.

Pilates is much better for strength, but not so keen on flexibility. You might want to take Pilates and Yoga instead. Pilates works your center, legs, arms, feet to make them stronger, and Yoga strengthens while elongating the muscles. If you are looking to do gymnastics for many years after you start, I would recommend gymnastics, because its not just one of those things that you can quit.

pilates is best for your inner strength, whereas gymnastics builds up your muscles in the wrong way. gymnastics make your muscles bulky. but if you're stuck between the two, why not try both. then you'll find out! x