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Position:Home>Dancing> What can I do to join a hiphop dance team in my state?

Question:I just turned 13 and i want 2 join a hiphop dance team that does background dancing and do competitions? But how do i get information or try out notices? What should i do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just turned 13 and i want 2 join a hiphop dance team that does background dancing and do competitions? But how do i get information or try out notices? What should i do?

Go to google and look for local dance schools and studios or cheerleading/ gymnastics gyms. Alot of dance companies have a competitive team. And if they have a website they will probably have pictures, prices, directions, and other info that you need. Ask around also, if you know anyone who is already a dancer maybe they will know some place good. Good Luck!

Here is a link to a website that lists many hip hop dance schools around the world. You should probably get a little training in it before you go out and try and compete for championships

For reason would anyone want to do hip-hop? It has no redeeming social value.

Are your parents aware you want to do hip-hop. It is not something nice girls should get involved with. It's demeaning.