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Position:Home>Dancing> Knee pain help please?

Question:Is a knee brace needed?
I am 18 years old and have had knee pain for my entire life. I have been to a special doctor and he told me nothing is wrong. When I was younger they just told me it was growing pains.
I recently started going to the gym. Speeding walking with an incline on the tredmill, the bike etc.
Every night my knees throb (either one or both), I take advil and they feel fine for a little while.

(I also dance)

Is a knee brace necessary? Would it help? (If so what kind)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is a knee brace needed?
I am 18 years old and have had knee pain for my entire life. I have been to a special doctor and he told me nothing is wrong. When I was younger they just told me it was growing pains.
I recently started going to the gym. Speeding walking with an incline on the tredmill, the bike etc.
Every night my knees throb (either one or both), I take advil and they feel fine for a little while.

(I also dance)

Is a knee brace necessary? Would it help? (If so what kind)

I use a knee brace.Use some of that icy hot cream and wear a brace when you excersise,when it hurts,and usually overnight.Ive been to doctors that told me nothing was wrong,growing pains,sprained,whatever you can think of.But you can get a good cheap one from wal-mart just look at a few of them.Mueller is the one i have and it just straps on and is very flexible.

it could arthritis
its possible for younger people
im 16 and i have it in my knees too

i think u shud get a knee brace

wow, you should get a second opinion. Go to another or even two other doctors. If you're feeling pain like that there has to be something wrong.

Have you had it checked out by someone who deals in Sports injuries? If not, that's the way I'd go. I wouldn't put it off.

A brace or meds are just taking care of the symptoms.

i would go to the doctors again and tell them that you know that something must be wrong and ask what you should do. try icing it and maybe try a brace and see if it helps

Go to a foot doctor. Sometimes knee pain can be caused from not walking properly. I have arch supports that I got from a Foot and Ankle Clinic. The knee pain I had for more than 12 years rarely bothers me anymore. If I wear shoes without my arch supports it does, or if I go barefoot for too long.

The dancing could be putting a lot of strain on your knees, and a knee brace could possibly help if something is out of alignment.

It is called the doctor and it would help if you ask for X-rays too!

You need to see a doctor who will authorize an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) on your knee(s) so they can see what the problem is inside. It's the only way to know.

please go to a doctor and get your knees checked out. knee pain is not something you want to deal w/ any longer. trust me, im getting knee surgery in like 2 weeks and wont be able to dance for four months. you may need a brace depending on the source of ur pain. w/ me its my kneecaps. and physical therapy also might be needed to help strenghthen ur knees.

When you dance, do you wear leather-soled shoes? If not, start. If your body twists and doesn't take your feet with it right away, you'll have terrible knee trouble.