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Position:Home>Dancing> Hip hop- intro level to master class- in two years?

Question:Hey guys, how many hours do you think I'm going to have to hit up on classes if I want to start at an intro level in January 2008 (I have no experience in dance and am 17), and be able to take master classes at the age of 19?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey guys, how many hours do you think I'm going to have to hit up on classes if I want to start at an intro level in January 2008 (I have no experience in dance and am 17), and be able to take master classes at the age of 19?

any dance professional will tell you that you'll have to practice 5 days per week for at least 4 hours each day since you are shooting for a 2 year period. However it also depends on how your body adapts to it. Not everyone learns at the same rate. However practice does make perfect. Make sure you eat right (have a balanced diet), drink plenty of WATER, and get enough sleep so you're body is replenished for this journey.