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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance? Suggestions?? Much Appreiciated!!! Really need your help! Thanks!!!?

Question:I am choreographing a dance to the song "First Love" by Goapele. I have most of the dance done, but I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions as for costumes or props I could use (any object I could dance with or around. I have tried a chair, but it just didn't flow).
That's the song.

It's a lyrical solo by the way, and I was thinking of wearing a flowing dress in a light color, but I can't find one on DiscountDance, so any other costume websites you suggest? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am choreographing a dance to the song "First Love" by Goapele. I have most of the dance done, but I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions as for costumes or props I could use (any object I could dance with or around. I have tried a chair, but it just didn't flow).
That's the song.

It's a lyrical solo by the way, and I was thinking of wearing a flowing dress in a light color, but I can't find one on DiscountDance, so any other costume websites you suggest? Thanks!

Well a lot of dances try just like a rose of somethink soft and flowing that maybe the dancers could even pick up!

make it burst with feelings!

gud luck
x0x ellabellarina x0x