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Position:Home>Dancing> Little to no arch, But I want to be a ballerina...?

Question:I need help.
I started ballet last year and I hated it, to me it was the most terrible experience EVER!
Now that im away from it and i was placed in another school district with a new dance class, i realized that i LOVE ballet.. sadly i do, and i cant get enough of it...

AT first last year i did like it, but then all of the girls were making fun of my arch " lemme see ur arch, ha ha ha , its sooo little" i felt so hurt, and i even consulted my dance teacher about it and she said i could dance but it wouldbe harder for me. more and more i realize that i might just be made to be a ballerina... and its scaring me. i tried to do modern and jazz and african, but people said that i was too graceful... or even tap. lol its been pretty scarry for me, i cant do any hard core crazy dancing without looking like a swan. but hey im probubly juss a dreamer. but its like everytime i see a ballerina i have this longing and feeling that i am that person

can you please help me in any way?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need help.
I started ballet last year and I hated it, to me it was the most terrible experience EVER!
Now that im away from it and i was placed in another school district with a new dance class, i realized that i LOVE ballet.. sadly i do, and i cant get enough of it...

AT first last year i did like it, but then all of the girls were making fun of my arch " lemme see ur arch, ha ha ha , its sooo little" i felt so hurt, and i even consulted my dance teacher about it and she said i could dance but it wouldbe harder for me. more and more i realize that i might just be made to be a ballerina... and its scaring me. i tried to do modern and jazz and african, but people said that i was too graceful... or even tap. lol its been pretty scarry for me, i cant do any hard core crazy dancing without looking like a swan. but hey im probubly juss a dreamer. but its like everytime i see a ballerina i have this longing and feeling that i am that person

can you please help me in any way?


this is your cousin speaking!!! Forget about those stupid hobos and do what you want to do. If its going to take a little more effort b/c of your arch well do it. They only person that can let yourself down is YOU!! Doing your best means you never stop trying. Or you can borrow my feet!lol. Anyway just to let you know i will always be their for you!! Luv ya!!

it will be harder, but if you're will ing to work for it you'll b ok.

u need to work out your arches and feet more, by doing thing like releves...also work on stretching out your feet. this will make your point stronger. u can ask ur teacher ways to do this.....i know how but i cant really explain..sorry =]

hope that helped..

Never give up! No ballerina started with the perfect arch! You have got ballet in you. So go for it! Best Best of luck!!

i think that you just need to work on your arch and don't give up because anything is possible if you put your mind to it :-)

One thing that helped me is bend over and touch the floor, walk your hands out to a comfortable spot, Bend your head down so you can see your feet, then roll your feet to the top of your foot. then roll down to demi plie and continue going up and down Keep your feet together and you might here a popping noise thats probably your ankles or toes, do that 8 times (rolling up and down) every day and then on the eighth hold it for a 4 count. Then Hold it in front of the mirror and you can look at your arch in the mirror.

I feel the exact same way! So sad just to wanna be that girl on that theater!... Well about the arches you can do 50 releves a day, and that will certainly help improving your arches! I do that and i tell you, IT HELPS!

OMG i have the same story as u (with the feet, not the teasing, my friends are al really encouraging, however, i don't always believe them whenthey say "u r improving so much!" ) but i keep doing ballet. I won't quit before i go all the way up on pointe! my teacher gave me one of those resistaband thingys and told me to start with fifty points and flexes each day, and work up to 200! it works your entire leg and i think its realy good for you. whatever you do, don't give up!!!!!!!!! and what i figure, is hey, even if you arent very good at ballet, you get the benefits! releves and other stretches will help you out. work hard as you can in class, make yourself a promise. my teacher also told me that when i do go up on pointe, i will be stronger, because i have spent so much time building my muscles struggling! you'll be the same. Good luck, and happy dancing :) !!

Stretch your foot by putting a medium sized ball under it and rolling your foot over it for a nice stretch this should help your arch. Good Luck!

I think you should read the perfect pointe book. It has exercises that are meant to help you get the perfect pointe.